Vigilante Margarita

Vigilante Margarita is Cecilia Lopez (voice, synthesizer and electric guitar), Guillermina Etkin (voice, piano and zither) and Cecilia Grammatico (drums and samplers). The album also features Wenchi Lazo (FOTO, Datrebil, Capitanes de la Industria) on the tracks Freezer and Pirañas. The songs on Vigilante Margarita draw from a wide variety of genres, invoking Improvisation, experimental pop and rock. […]

Composed in 2002, Copas is written for twelve crystal goblets with defined pitches. The score shows the movement that the musician has to perform with his finger over and around the circular edge of the goblet as time progresses, making an analogy with the sinusoidal wave. The piece focuses in the interference between sounds, in the “beat […]